What We Believe

We believe the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, 66 books in total, which we have today as the word of God accurate in every detail and in every way as it pertains to every subject.  We believe the Bible as the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. (Mark 13:31; 2Tim 3:16,17)


The following teachings can be confirmed from the Bible as believers are called upon to read and examine what they are being taught.

We believe in one God revealing Himself as three eternal dimensions (persons)- the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each dimension is distinct and worshipped as God Almighty.

We believe in Jesus Christ as totally man and totally God Almighty. We believe in the virgin birth of the Messiah through Mary by the Holy Spirit.  We believe Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and that He was buried and rose bodily from the dead three days later.  Then He ascended to heaven after He revealed Himself alive to many people.  We believe He is coming back the second time to gather the church to Himself and to judge the ungodly.

We believe in the Holy Spirit as God Almighty and He is worshipped with the Father and the Son.

We believe in the historic creation of Adam when God made him from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life apart from any evolutionary method.

We believe in the church that the Lord Jesus is building which is the body of Christ.

We believe the whole world has been tricked by Satan, the ancient serpent, who deceived Eve and then Adam who consciously sinned and chose the way of the devil.

We believe that the Devil (Satan) is a personal being who once was an angel in heaven until he rebelled against God is still bringing destruction to humanity.
All human beings have sinned and are born with a sinful nature. They are all destined to hell unless their lives are transformed by the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus.

We believe salvation is found in no one else except in the person of Jesus Christ.

We believe each sinner is saved through repentance and faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe in water baptism as obedience to Jesus commandment to follow Him and not optional.

We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit which is distinct from the new birth experience (born again) when the Spirit comes to dwell inside the believer. But Spirit baptism is for the purpose of ministry to be Christ’s witness evidenced by the gifts of the Spirit such as evidence of speaking in tongues.

We believe that holiness, love and good works must follow a true believer in Christ.

We believe in divine healing which is offered to us through the name of Jesus and is available to all believers.

We believe in all the gifts of the Spirit that are found in Roman 12:6-8; 1Corinthians 12: 7-10; and Ephesians 4:11-13.

We believe in all the fruit of the Holy Spirit that portray the character of God and must be seen in the believer.

We believe in the Breaking of Bread where we take His body and blood in the memory of the death of the Lord Jesus until His return when we experience the strength and power of Christ as God has invited to His Supper. The Lord’s Supper is for those who are saved, water baptized, and  living a holy life.

We believe that it our responsibility to look after the family of God locally, globally, and especially the persecuted Christians.

We believe that servanthood is the foundation of ministry. We do not believe in titles of hierarchy because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

We believe that the primary mission of the church is the equipping of God’s saints for ministry and the evangelization of the world that sinners would be saved from the wrath of God.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the righteous in Christ to eternal life with God, but the ungodly to eternal torment in the lake of fire where they will experience pain forever and ever.